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Draft Bylaws Under Review

Animal Control Bylaw 2024-011

The purpose of the Animal Control Bylaw is to provide for the control, health, and safety of, and protection from, wild and domestic animals within the municipality. 

The Town of Watson Lake is currently reviewing Animal Control Bylaw 2024-011 and encourage the public to participate by providing input to Mayor and Council. Written comments can be sent by email to or dropped at the Town Office located at 710 Adela Trail, Watson Lake. 

Draft Animal Control Bylaw 2024-11

Town Hall Presentation - Animal Control Bylaw Overview & Recommended Amendments 

Yukon Animal Protection and Control Act

Business Licence Bylaw

The purpose of the Business Licence Bylaw is to provide for the licencing and regulation of all businesses operating within the municipality.

The Town of Watson Lake is currently reviewing the Business Licence Bylaw as it has not been reviewed or updated since 2006. The Town of Watson Lake encourages public input and comments.  Written comments can be sent by email to or dropped at the Town Office located at 710 Adela Trail, Watson Lake. The Bylaw being reviewed is as follows:

Business Licence Bylaw 06-01

Fire Protection and Life Safety Bylaw

The purpose of this bylaw is to establish a Fire Department for the Town of Watson Lake, and to establish authority and due process for the prevention and control of fire and rescue incidents through delegations of authority and provision of responsibilities.  

To better reflect the needs of the organization Fire Protection and Life Safety Bylaw #18-12 and Volunteer Fire Department Bylaw #99-17 are being amalgamated into one new Bylaw. The Town of Watson Lake is currently reviewing this new bylaw, and encourage the public to participate by providing input. Written comments can be sent by email to or dropped at the Town Office located at 710 Adela Trail, Watson Lake. The Bylaw being reviewed is as follows:

Fire Protection and Life Safety Bylaw 2024-01