"Improving the quality of the housing stock and ensuring there are a range of housing types available in Watson Lake is very important to residents. Appropriate and safe housing is vital to community growth and high-quality housing will help to attract and retain individuals and families."
- Town of Watson Lake Official Community Plan, September 2021
In December 2023, Watson Lake applied to the Government of Canada and was awarded over $2 million to address housing supply issues in our community.
The funding is from the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). HAF is a new program from the Government of Canada's Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Funding is provided directly to municipal governments to help build more housing.
Watson Lake had to propose five initiatives to qualify for funding. The initiatives have to address the gap in missing middle housing.
Learn more about our five initiatives below:
1. Grant program to build new dwellings
Status: Recipients selected
Budget: $400,000
What is the goal of this initiative?
We understand that access to both land and capital to build dwellings presents a major challenge in Watson Lake. This initiative aims to make use of the existing residential properties within our community and avoid delays in building new dwellings due to a lack of available land.
It also works to address capital challenges by providing direct funding to property owners to build.
How will we achieve our goal?
We have developed a grant program that will provide private property owners with access to grants to develop housing on property that they own or are in the process of purchasing.
Funding can be used to build single family homes, suites, and multi-family units. $40,000 is available per new dwelling, up to a maximum of $120,000 per applicant for multi-family housing.
How do I apply? When will this be happening?
Applications for the program are due by 4:30pm on August 16, 2024, by email to housing@watsonlake.ca. Applications can be downloaded here.
How many homes do you expect this program to create?
We are expecting that at least 10 new dwellings will be built as a result of this initiative.
How do I qualify for the grant?
You are eligible to apply for this program if you meet the following criteria:
- Your property is located within the municipal boundary of the Town of Watson Lake.
- Applicants own the property on which the dwelling is to be constructed; or,
- You have an Agreement for Sale with the Yukon Government for a vacant lot;
- The property and proposed development(s) comply with the Town’s Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw and the National Building Code; and
- Property taxes for the property are paid and the property owner is in good standing with the Town of Watson Lake.
If you have questions about this initiative contact housing@watsonlake.ca. You can also review the Housing Development Grant Policy.
2. Funding to create homes from underutilized buildings
Status: In Progress
Budget: $400,000
Awarded so far: $0
What is the goal of this initiative?
This initiative aims to support the community's goals for housing and beautification, as noted in the 2021 Official Community Plan. It will fund and help convert underutilized properties and buildings into homes.
How will we achieve this goal?
We aim to incentivize the rehabilitation of underutilized, vacant, and non-conforming properties in Watson Lake. To do this, we will provide financial incentives to private property owners.
The Residential Conversion Grant program is a new HAF initiative that will give property owners access to grants. They can use the grants to convert their underutilized, vacant, or non-residential properties into dwelling units. This could mean replacing an abandoned single-family home. It could also mean turning upper-story office space into an apartment or creating a caretaker's residence on an industrial lot.
$40,000 is available per new dwelling, up to a maximum of $120,000 per applicant for multi-family housing.
How many homes do you expect this program to create?
We expect this initiative to lead to the construction of 10 new dwellings.
How do I apply? When will this be happening?
Applications for the program are due by 4:30 p.m. on March 31, 2025, by email to housing@watsonlake.ca. Download application forms here.
How do I qualify for the grant?
You are eligible to apply for this program if you meet the following criteria:
1. Your property is located within the municipal boundary of the Town of Watson Lake.
2. Applicants own the property on which the dwelling is to be constructed.
3. The property must have been underutilized or vacant for at least 12 months before this policy came into effect.
4. The property and proposed development(s) follow the Town’s Official Community
Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and the National Building Code.
5. Property taxes for the property are paid, and the property is in good standing.
If you are interested in learning more about this initiative, please contact housing@watsonlake.ca. You can also review the Residential Conversion Grant Policy.
3. Zoning bylaw amendments
Status: In progress
Budget: $100,000
More information coming soon
4. Action plan for home lending
Status: Coming soon
Budget: $75,000
More information coming soon
5. Municipal/private sector collaboration on municipal services
Status: Coming soon
Budget: $125,000
More information coming soon